Film Scans are Coming!

Wednesday, January 9, 2013

I have been waiting - not so patiently - for my very first film scans to be finished at the lab and today when I checked the status (and yes, I've checked it every day) it's finally changed from developing to scanning!  And the rest of it doesn't take very long, or at least that's what I've heard!  Sooo excited here!  I hope at least some of them turned out!


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Hi, I'm Megan.

I got a film point and shoot camera for my twelth birthday, and I've been in love with freezing time via photography ever since. I took several photography classes in high school and college, and finally purchased my first DSLR in March 2012. Now I am on a journey, learning everythng I can about this adventure called photography. There is so much to learn! Thank you for caring enough to follow along with my journey!