Be Loved

Monday, February 25, 2013
February...  The month of love.  Some people might think that a single woman in her mid 20's would dread Valentine's Day, but that's so not true for me.  I may not have a husband/boyfriend/fiancee, but I have plenty of love that I am glad for a chance to celebrate.  

Mostly, though, I took this holiday as a chance to celebrate the love of my Heavenly Father.  His love is like none other and I am so thankful for the peace, comfort, and joy that it brings me.  On days when I feel alone, He opens my eyes to the beauty that he's created all around me. 

My beloved speaks and says to me:

“Arise, my love, my beautiful one,

    and come away,
for behold, the winter is past;

    the rain is over and gone.
The flowers appear on the earth,
    the time of singing has come."

Song of Solomon 2:10-12

This post is a part of a blog circle with a group of my talented friends from Light Inspired.  You don't want to miss the rest of their posts, so follow the circle around to Sarah's beautiful work.

Black & White Landscape

Wednesday, February 20, 2013

Happy Valentine's Day!

Thursday, February 14, 2013
From me to you.

I pray your day is filled with love & joy.

Grocery Store Flowers

Wednesday, February 13, 2013
I bought myself a bouquet of flowers the other day for some macro shots.

Floral Macro

Tuesday, February 12, 2013
I bought some flowers at the grocery store last night to play with some floral shots.

Landscapes: Second Attempt

Sunday, February 10, 2013
After this attempt didn't go quite how I'd imagined it, I spent some time this weekend reading up on landscapes and decided to give it another try.  I dragged my mom and my camera bag to the state park outside of town around the time of the sunset.  I had a blast and came back with quite a few keepers!  I can definitely see landscape photography something that I learn to love!

Foggy Landscape

Saturday, February 9, 2013
 The other morning when I woke up, it was foggy.  I'd never been so excited to see fog in my life.  You see, I've been seeing all of these beautiful foggy photos for months now - foggy portraits, foggy landscapes...  I've been dying to try some foggy photos of my own, but we haven't had fog!  Anyways, I rushed my getting ready as fast as I could so that I would have a little bit of time to take some photos before work.  I grabbed a few lenses and my camera bag and rushed out the door.  As I got into my car, I realized that I didn't have a plan.  "Okay," I thought, "I'll just drive around, find a cool landscape with some trees or whatever, pull over and take some shots.  And they'll be awesome. And everyone will love them, I'll sell calendars with my photos and pay off all my student loans."  Something like that.  Anyways, I quickly realized that I have no idea what I'm doing when it comes to landscape photography.  And I wasn't brave enough to just pull over on the side of the road.  I ended up parked in a parking lot at the edge of town, fiddling with my aperture, and very disappointed. 

Yesterday I ordered a tripod and read up and landscape photography, so hopefully my next attempt will go a little more smoothly.  For now, here is my feeble attempt at a foggy landscape.

Spring is Coming!

Wednesday, February 6, 2013
I know that it is barely February, but Spring is just around the corner in Oklahoma - and it can't get here soon enough for me!  I found tiny buds on the trees today!!


Hi, I'm Megan.

I got a film point and shoot camera for my twelth birthday, and I've been in love with freezing time via photography ever since. I took several photography classes in high school and college, and finally purchased my first DSLR in March 2012. Now I am on a journey, learning everythng I can about this adventure called photography. There is so much to learn! Thank you for caring enough to follow along with my journey!