Day 9

Tuesday, July 31, 2012

I went through a box full of random stuff today.  One of the things I found was my old graphing calculator from high school.  I opened it up and found a surprise - four formulas were written inside the cover, either from Trig or Calculus.  But the funny thing to me is that I have absolutely no clue what these mean.  They are like a foreign language, they mean nothing to me.  But one day not so long ago, I knew exactly what they were & how to use them.  Back in the day, I loved me some Calculus!  Just a reminder of how much I have changed.

Day 8

Monday, July 30, 2012

Well, I've been at this for a week now.  If you're still looking at these, thanks a bunch! :)

We finally had roast tonight.  Last week we tried, but our crock pot exploded and there was glass all over it, so we didn't get to eat it, just smell it!  Ever since then I've been craving it.  We tried out our new crock pot with it tonight and it was GOOD!

Day 7

Sunday, July 29, 2012
Confession: I didn't take any photos today.  I spent the whole day catching up from vacation & editing those photos.  Sorry for failing.
But, I do want to share one more photo from my trip that I thought turned out pretty sweet, so I still have a photo for today!

The place we had lunch on our beach day had a cooler with these sodas in it.  I love the ice - it looks so cool & refreshing!

Days 3-6

Wednesday.  I should have had my camera with me while we were driving but it got buried in the trunk so I didn't have it until we arrived.  I did still manage to capture something from the day though - the hotel's hot tub wasn't working.  Biggest disappointment of the trip.  We were so sad.

Thursday.  The beach.

Friday.  We went to the Johnson Space Center, it was pretty cool.

Saturday.  One last image of our so big & comfy hotel bed before we headed back home.

Day 2

Tuesday, July 24, 2012

Yes, two days in a row!  I've been putting off packing all week & taking/editing/posting this picture just helped me put it off a little longer!  Although now at least my laundry is done.

My family (minus Jonathan) is going to Galveston, TX for a mini-vacation for a few days.  Looking forward to some beach time, some family time, and just getting away from Hugo. :)

Project 365

Monday, July 23, 2012

As of today, July 23, 2012, I am starting a Project 365. Maybe you've heard of this before, I didn't make it up.
The concept is simple - 1 photo a day for the next year. 
I'm not making any promises. I may not post my photo every day. My photos may not be terribly exciting. And I might not always write anything to go with them. But, I will do my best to capture one moment each day and share it. I will share it here on my blog and on my facebook page (

 The idea is:

  • to capture this year, to remember the little day-to-day things
  • to share it with others
  • and to get my camera out every day, to practice. I want to improve my photography. 

 Okay, here we go -- the first photo!

I've been having some terrible headaches recently & this stuff has been my best friend (although it doesn't work all the time and I still end up in bed with the covers pulled over my head trying not to die) I think I need new glasses. I'll make an eye dr appointment soon, I promise. I hate going to the doctor though.

A little bit more about me!

Saturday, July 21, 2012

  • I'm 23.  
  • I graduated from a small, Christian college, Northwestern College, in '11 with my B.A. in Art/Graphic Design.  Love that place.
  • I currently work as a BHRS at an elementary school - I see 2nd and 3rd graders 1-on-1 for half an hour a day and we work on a variety of things together.
  • I live in the middle of nowhere right now, but it is my dream to live in (or at least near) a big city.
  • I've loved photography for as long as I can remember.
  • I also love to read.
  • Jesus is my everything.


In an effort to capture the everyday, I photographed my adventure in making muffins.  I was pleased with my results. :)  You can see the rest of the pictures on my flickr page here!


Hi, I'm Megan.

I got a film point and shoot camera for my twelth birthday, and I've been in love with freezing time via photography ever since. I took several photography classes in high school and college, and finally purchased my first DSLR in March 2012. Now I am on a journey, learning everythng I can about this adventure called photography. There is so much to learn! Thank you for caring enough to follow along with my journey!