Project 365

Monday, July 23, 2012

As of today, July 23, 2012, I am starting a Project 365. Maybe you've heard of this before, I didn't make it up.
The concept is simple - 1 photo a day for the next year. 
I'm not making any promises. I may not post my photo every day. My photos may not be terribly exciting. And I might not always write anything to go with them. But, I will do my best to capture one moment each day and share it. I will share it here on my blog and on my facebook page (

 The idea is:

  • to capture this year, to remember the little day-to-day things
  • to share it with others
  • and to get my camera out every day, to practice. I want to improve my photography. 

 Okay, here we go -- the first photo!

I've been having some terrible headaches recently & this stuff has been my best friend (although it doesn't work all the time and I still end up in bed with the covers pulled over my head trying not to die) I think I need new glasses. I'll make an eye dr appointment soon, I promise. I hate going to the doctor though.


jennifer said...

Yeah megan. This will be a fun journey together.

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Hi, I'm Megan.

I got a film point and shoot camera for my twelth birthday, and I've been in love with freezing time via photography ever since. I took several photography classes in high school and college, and finally purchased my first DSLR in March 2012. Now I am on a journey, learning everythng I can about this adventure called photography. There is so much to learn! Thank you for caring enough to follow along with my journey!