The other morning when I woke up, it was foggy. I'd never been so excited to see fog in my life. You see, I've been seeing all of these beautiful foggy photos for months now - foggy portraits, foggy landscapes... I've been dying to try some foggy photos of my own, but we haven't had fog! Anyways, I rushed my getting ready as fast as I could so that I would have a little bit of time to take some photos before work. I grabbed a few lenses and my camera bag and rushed out the door. As I got into my car, I realized that I didn't have a plan. "Okay," I thought, "I'll just drive around, find a cool landscape with some trees or whatever, pull over and take some shots. And they'll be awesome. And everyone will love them, I'll sell calendars with my photos and pay off all my student loans." Something like that. Anyways, I quickly realized that I have no idea what I'm doing when it comes to landscape photography. And I wasn't brave enough to just pull over on the side of the road. I ended up parked in a parking lot at the edge of town, fiddling with my aperture, and very disappointed.
Yesterday I ordered a tripod and read up and landscape photography, so hopefully my next attempt will go a little more smoothly. For now, here is my feeble attempt at a foggy landscape.
These are so pretty!! I think you did a great job! :)
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