It was such a rainy, dreary week. It was hard to take pictures because the
rain makes me want to do nothing but lay in my bed and watch netflix. But I
prevailed and I got some good shots this week! I also did a lot of photography
reading and research and a few lightbulb moments!
Tomorrow begins my crazy month of October – I go back to work and I have
plans to be travelling every single weekend. It’s going to be nuts, so I can’t
promise anything as far as posting photos, especially to the blog. Chances are
better for posting to facebook, so if you don’t already follow my photography there,
please do!
Day 63: I took my tripod and remote out to the backyard to try a self portrait. Harder than I thought it would be!
Day 64: For some reason, I always find the shower to be one of the most inspiring places. Something about it, I always get really good ideas! :) I noticed how cool my "loofah" is, and after I got out of the shower, I came back with camera and got some pretty neat shots.
Day 65: Bella is such a scaredy cat! I don't even know what she was scared of, probably a bug, but she was hiding under my chair. Silly kitty!
Day 66: Rain. Can't wait until I get my macro lens so I can get proper shots like this.
Day 67: Raindrops on roses.
Day 68: Raindrops on car windows.
Day 69: Leaves in puddles.